Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back again -

It's been a long time, and I've missed being here. What can I say - just too busy to think -yet I am desperate to think. I have to finish a paper on Information Literacy - Opportunities and Exegencies - for Writing Program Administrators - to give in Denver on July 11. Well, the PowerPoint is coming along, and I have done some of the reading (well, probably a lot of the reading) but have no have time to write. Meanwhile, now it's summer term and I'm teaching WR 121 as usual in the summer plus WR 323, about reading and writing with style. Luckily my friend and colleague Michael is helping out for the first four weeks and will be subbing for me while I'm gone. Here's a great post that he made recently about the course, with some comments. Really, the kind of reading we want students to do is indeed like wrestling with alligators. If only.... sigh.... I want them to grapple with the notion of, the role of, public intellectuals. For tomorrow they read Edward Said's chapter "States" from his book After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives with photos by Jean Mohr. (Here's the cover.)
(cover image source: http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/ce/79/d286793509a04c541c5e0110._AA240_.L.jpg)